Keep Victoria Beautiful in collaboration with Vic Track and Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) enter into formal “stationeer” agreements with groups of people who want to work on vegetating and beautifying train stations and surrounding areas in the Melbourne train network.
Upfield Urban Forest currently has a formal stationeer agreement in relation to Brunswick Station.
The benefits of a formal stationeer agreement are:
Metro contractors will be informed about community planting in the area and won’t (are less likely to) spray or cut plants (Yay!!)
Community Stationeers have access to grants from time to time to fund trees, equipment, seating, art, paint etc.
Community work in the area is recognised and supported.
For more information on the Stationeers program see this page at Keep Victoria Beautiful.
Of course you are also free to contact KVB’s Stationeers volunteer manager Wendy Lake at this mail address